Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery: Why It Happens and How to Manage It

Hair Loss After Weight Loss Surgery: Why It Happens and How to Manage It

After bariatric surgery, you’re losing weight and loving the way your new body looks. You’re recovering well, and your doctor assures you that everything is on track. In short, the experience has been transformative.

One day, however, you notice a few more strands of hair in the shower—nothing too concerning. A few days later, you brush your hair and notice a larger clump of hair caught in the bristles. Now you’re thinking, “Something seems off.”

While it may be alarming, losing hair after weight loss surgery is a common occurrence. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to ensure a healthy head of hair going forward.

Why Does Hair Loss Occur After Bariatric Surgery?

Hair is not a survival priority for your body. According to the Obesity Action Coalition, your body focuses on providing essential nutrients to vital organs like the brain and heart rather than your hair. Bariatric surgery can be a physical shock to your system, leading your body to temporarily neglect non-essential functions like hair growth (Obesity Action Coalition).

The most common cause of hair loss post-surgery is a condition called telogen effluvium. According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology, about 10% of your hair is normally in a dormant (or resting) phase known as telogen. However, after surgery, up to 70% of your hair follicles can enter this dormant state due to the shock, causing hair to fall out during the telogen stage (AOCD).

Is Hair Loss Permanent?

No, the hair loss associated with telogen effluvium is not permanent. While your hair may shed during this stage, the hair follicles are not damaged. Your hair will naturally regrow once the body adjusts and normal hair growth resumes.

How to Manage Hair Loss After Surgery

While some post-surgery hair loss is inevitable, there are steps you can take to promote healthy hair regrowth. Ensuring optimal nutrition is key to restoring a healthy head of hair. Nutrients like iron, zinc, and protein play a crucial role in hair growth and maintenance.

1. Iron and Hair Growth

Iron plays a significant role in the production of hemoglobin, which supplies oxygen to cells responsible for hair growth and repair. According to Healthline, a lack of iron in the body can inhibit hair growth and contribute to hair loss (Healthline).

2. Zinc for Hair Health

Zinc is essential for the growth and repair of hair tissue. It also helps keep the oil glands around hair follicles functioning properly. According to Dr. Axe, zinc has long been used to treat conditions like telogen effluvium because of its involvement in critical activities within the hair follicle (Dr. Axe). Zinc deficiency can lead to weakened hair, so ensuring adequate intake is crucial for hair health.

3. Protein for Strong Hair

Hair is made up almost entirely of protein, specifically keratin. According to Healthline, insufficient protein in the diet can lead to hair loss, as protein is essential for maintaining strong, healthy hair (Healthline). Ensure you are getting enough protein through food or supplements to promote hair regrowth.

The Role of Biotin in Hair Restoration

Biotin, a B-vitamin, is another powerful supplement that aids in hair restoration. Biotin helps strengthen hair and nails while promoting overall skin health. Vita4Life! Hair, Skin, and Nail Supplements, which contain biotin and other essential nutrients, are designed to support your body in regrowing healthy hair following surgery.


While hair loss after bariatric surgery is common, it doesn’t have to be permanent. By focusing on proper nutrition, including sufficient iron, zinc, protein, and biotin, you can support your body’s natural hair growth processes. Vita4Life! Hair, Skin, and Nail Supplements are an excellent addition to your post-surgery routine, providing the nutrients your body needs to restore and maintain a full, healthy head of hair.

Make Vita4Life! Hair, Skin, and Nail Supplements part of your daily regimen today, and get back to enjoying the confidence that comes with healthy, beautiful hair.

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